19th August 2020
We hope that everyone has now successfully downloaded the eduspot teachers 2 parents app for school dinners.
The dinners are now online for booking for the week beginning 31st August (please note that school is closed on Monday 31st August). We do not have a menu at present but are hoping this will be available at the start of next week, and will send a text when we receive it.
Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals should select the days they require dinners via the app too so that the office know how many dinners need to be ordered each day.
Dinners will go live each week on the Friday (from 9.30am) and need to be booked by midnight on the Sunday to ensure that the correct numbers of dinners are ordered for the week. If a dinner has been booked and your child is absent for any reason, payment can either be refunded or transferred to the following week.
We appreciate that this is a new system and will take some time for us all to get used to so we appreciate your patience whilst we try and get everything in place.
If you have any queries in relation to this new payment system, please contact the school office on 028 90 484 147.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes
Julie Jordan
Vice Principal
School Money