Secondary Department
The Secondary Department is located (mostly) in the Orange corridor of Tor Bank and is made of 7 classes- Abbie Ferguson, Alice Loughlin, Robyn Meharry, Sarah Hull, Sinead Oakes, Karen Curran/Mike Gibbs and Alan & Harriet’s classes.
Pupils in the Secondary Department follow the NI Curriculum, at a level appropriate to their needs, with an emphasis on developing thinking skills and personal capabilities, in particular communication and functional skills to enable our young people to reach their maximum individual potential. This process aims to develop the ‘core’ personal, interpersonal skills and aptitudes essential for participation in the personal, social and economic life in the community.
We aim to maintain a close partnership with parents and the multidisciplinary team. Staff work closely together to foster a positive environment where pupils feel valued, safe and each young person’s individual needs are met.
This year most of us are taking an international approach and each month will be focusing on different countries around the world. We are starting with our own Country Northern Ireland, and it would be great if parents could enhance pupils learning by bringing pupils to explore some of the many wonderful local places of interest.
During term one most classes will be completing the CCEA Learning for Life and Work Thematic Unit ‘The World on My Plate’, exploring food and linking it to our international themes. Some students will also be linking into the fun Multisensory theme of ‘Pirates’. During term two we will be working on the Thematic Unit ‘Helping’ and we encourage, where possible, parents to reinforce this at home. In the final term we will be focusing on the topic of ‘Keeping Safe’.
Students will also be working throughout the year to gain accreditation through recognized external bodies by completing modules from the ASDAN ‘Towards Independence’ Programme or for older students (14+) CCEA Entry Level, ‘Life and Living Skills Modules’.
In Tor Bank we are working alongside the ‘Skills Builder Partnership’ to provide our young people with a framework to learn and embed the essential skills they will require to thrive in school life and beyond. In term 1 we are focusing on the skill ‘Listening’. During term 2 it will be ‘Speaking/Communicating’ and in the final term we will complete a special challenge.

A key concept of the Secondary Department is promoting both physical, social and emotional well-being. We understand how important emotional wellbeing is to learning, so we have embedded The Emotion Works Programme into the curriculum as it helps children learn emotional language, develop emotional understanding and manage feelings and emotional behaviours.
We also have an active ECO Council that continues to work hard to raise awareness of climate change, ways to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as, making our school a greener environment.
Students are also actively encouraged to use a variety of external community facilities including swimming at Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre and shopping trips to our local LIDL.
Robyn’s Class will also be participating in The Extended School Link engaging in a series of fun interschool events with other local Primary and Post Primary Schools.
We are also delighted to be able to offer Secondary pupils regular Sugar Craft Sessions with the wonderful Dawn Cameron every Monday. Pupils develop their abilities to listen and follow directions, work with others, as well as develop fine motor and food hygiene skills.
We encourage Secondary pupils to engage in internal functional skills such as- completing messages, laundry, recycling to name but a few. We hope parents will reinforce these at home and encourage young people to complete responsibilities at home and maximise their independent living skills.
Secondary students also have the opportunity to attend a Thursday night Youth Club at Brooklands Community Centre run by EA Youth Service and supported by our staff.