Tor Bank School


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Covid resources and information


'Covid Vaccine' social story

'Getting a Covid Test' social story and video

'10 day isolation period' social story

'Do I Need a Covid Test?' social story

Covid resources from Books Beyond Words can be found on the following website:

Updated information January 2021

Contact tracing arrangements for over Christmas

Whilst school is closing on Friday 18th December, we still need to be mindful of positive Covid cases after this date. If any pupil tests positive on the 19th, 20th, 21st or 22nd December can you please email so that we can follow the necessary protocols for contact tracing. If your child is not tested until a later date, but has been showing symptoms during the dates listed above, it is important that this information is also shared.
Whilst positive tests after this date should not impact on the school community, we would still appreciate being made aware of them so that visual supports and resources can be provided if necessary.

Christmas Holiday Resources

Restart update: Please note that pupils will be returning to their normal school hours. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child's class teacher.  

Early closure social story (Hallowe'en)

Self isolation social story 

Why do people look different in school? 

Going to School social story